Category Archives: Blog

Collective Bargaining… What’s Best For the Taxpayer?

Let’s get to the core of the collective bargaining issue for public employees (please note I wrote PUBLIC as there is a chasm of difference between public and private unions)…it’s all about money and power; it’s not about the oft repeated “power to the people.”

Fortunately, while this issue has completely captivated the media elite in New York and Washington DC, it has not captivated the average American to the point that we’re rolling over and giving in like we have so many times before. Along with the media, as expected, the progressive statist ruling political class have saddled right up to the “labor movement” in Wisconsin.

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A Proposed 28th Amendment that Actually has Teeth!

I’m a regular listener to the Jason Lewis show, broadcast nightly on XM Radio from 6-9 pm. On January 6, 2011 during his second hour, Lewis proposed a radical yet very Constitutional solution to the mess Washington DC has created…a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that simply states; “It is the right of any sovereign State to dissolve its compact with the Union upon the consent of the citizens of that State.”

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Reflecting on 8/28

As I found myself mowing the lawn late Sunday morning listening to an eclectic playlist including songs by Rage Against the Machine, Jack Johnson, and Louis Armstrong, I began reflecting on my experience at yesterday’s event as well as the coverage it received (from both the Main and “Side” Stream Media).

Detractors (on all sides) will focus on the negative aspects of how the event, its organizers, and attendees will affect them or their agenda. I choose to focus on the positive aspects (such as the spotlight on faith and honor) as well as identify bridges that can be built with those who may have a different perspective.

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Do You Think They Care?

Do you think our Federal representatives (or their staffers) care one iota about representing us?

  • How many dozens of letters and emails have you sent your federal representatives in the past year? How many ridiculous form letters (that didn’t even address your concerns) have you received in return and how long did it take? The federal reps don’t care.
  • How many calls have you placed to them just to have a patronizing staffer thank you for your call and say they’ll pass on your opinion to Sen. INSERT THEIR NAME? The federal reps don’t care.
  • How many polls are available where the people are against any recent INSERT EXTRA-CONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION? The federal reps don’t care.
  • How many of us told them “no”, “slow down”, “stop”, and “you are out of line” at town hall events this summer to be told that they know better than us little citizens? The federal reps don’t care.
  • How many of us citizens participated in multiple tea parties around the country to try and make our voices heard only to be ridiculed as extremists by those elected to represent us at the federal level? The federal reps don’t care.
  • How many of us citizens sent a message on September 12, 2009 only to be marginalized by our federal representatives and most media outlets? Pssst…The federal reps don’t care.

How many times have you said to yourself, “it’s like they don’t care!”

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Are You Finally Ready to Trust Your Conscience?

Most politicians are not bad people, but the system has a way of chewing them up and spitting them out. Once in the system, they learn to play the game and almost always compromise their integrity when it can be justified and even sometimes when it cannot. This is done while we look the other way if it’s “our guy” and/or they give us something we want. That’s the insidiousness of democracy and these “representatives” continue to do anything to stay in power.

Many of the problems that we face today can mostly be chalked up to our divisions fueled by our two beloved major parties. While we’re fighting each other and pinning down scapegoats, the hotshot politicians are laughing all the way to the bank (you know…Citi, Goldman, so on and so forth).

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