Category Archives: Blog

Apparently, We’re All Racists

After being called a racist on twitter by an ignorant hack who had never even listened to The Forgotten Men, I sat back and reflected on a topic that I justifiably give very little thought to: Racism.

Apparently, we’re all racists now.  Yep, if you’re associated with the TEA Party – you’re automatically a racist. If you support cutting extra-constitutional federal funding – you, of course, hate minorities.  If you have white skin and say anything that can be taken out of context related to race or color – you got it, you hate all “non-whites”. If you state that you’re not a racist and even live your life as the opposite of a racist – doesn’t matter because, bingo…you’re a closet racist.

Seriously?!?  All you ignorant hacks out there who resort to ad-hominem attacks and play the race card at the drop of a hat because you have nothing else to bring to the discussion, I have one response for you:  You are irrelevant.

Those of us who want to restore proper limitations on the federal government want to do so regardless of the racial profile of the elected officials in office.  Those of us, who want to restore federalism, want to do so for Conservatives, Liberals, Independents, and Progressives (i.e.  anyone, regardless of political persuasion).  Those of us who want the Rule of Law to apply to every individual do so regardless of a person’s race or where they fall on the economic ladder.

Are there white racists out there involved in some way with the liberty movement? Unfortunately, yes. Do they represent the majority? No, and ridiculously far from it. Their numbers are miniscule in size and similar to the numbers of black racists in the civil-rights movement.  Most people of any race are good people who simply want the best for their posterity as well as the posterity of others. However in the culture that we live, the few nuts and outspoken yahoos tend to bubble-up to the top and get covered relentlessly by our media; there is a negative and a positive side to this though. On one hand, we’re subjected to their monotonous drivel. But on the other hand, we can spot them for what they are (ill-bred fools) and ostracize them for their ignorance.

The foundation of the liberty movement is liberty for all individuals regardless of race. Those who want to charge us with racism using a broad brush are simply putting their own ignorance high on a pedestal for all to witness.  The average citizen is fed up with these clowns’ display of shameless race baiting. If these fools keep freely throwing around the “you’re a racist” card much longer, their relevance in the national dialogue will sit on the shelf along with the actual racists they seem to feed off.

While we still have to listen to the obnoxious rants and chants of both the racists and race-baiters, it’s high time that we relegate them both to the dustbin of history and stop giving them a platform to spew their color commentary. Oh wait…color commentary…how racist of me?!


Joshua is the co-host of The Forgotten Men radio show Saturdays at 12 noon ET, on AM930 WFMD.

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Press Release

The Forgotten Men Radio Show Announces New Second Hour

Frederick, Maryland, April 29, 2011: On Saturday, May 7, the provocative radio talk show The Forgotten Men will begin broadcasting for a second hour every Saturday. Since September of 2009, the show, broadcast from Frederick, Maryland’s AM930 WFMD studio, has the held the 12-1pm time slot and will now continue broadcasting until 2pm Eastern Time.

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The Myth of the “Good” Government

Here’s the real problem, a real frog-in-the-kettle dilemma; most people embrace a belief that the government is good (benevolent) or at worst, innocuous. How far from the truth they are.

Benevolent: benevolence – an inclination to do kind or charitable acts

Innocuous: Harmless; producing no ill effect; innocent; Inoffensive; unprovocative; not exceptional.

Are these the terms we should use when describing the federal government? Certainly our Founding Fathers would not have thought of a centralized government in those terms, but how things change in a short 200 years. We’ve now almost completely lost any apprehension or healthy fear of the federal government and boy are we suffering from it. In fact, most of us look to Washington DC for direction or help in time of need. Call me Pollyannaish, call me gloom and doom, but I cannot ignore the facts that are in front of me. Perhaps others want to bury their heads in the sand and hope everything gets better, but not me. I don’t like getting cold-cocked or sucker punched! No, we’ve got a mess on our hands and it’s tenuous at best to think we can turn it around. And believe me, the worst is yet to come; we’re just in the very early stages of this. Why?
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The Stockholm Syndrome… Are We the People Victims?

Are we, the average citizens that make up the 50 States in America suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome? Is that the reason we seem to be fearful of entertaining “outside the box” thinking when it comes to solving the mess created by Washington DC? Have we possibly become morbidly sympathetic to our “captors” in the halls of Congress and bureaucracies throughout DC and the remainder of the country? I think so!

The Stockholm Syndrome, was coined after the robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. Sounds eerily similar to what We the People have been exposed to from Washington DC; we’ve been held hostage by an extra-constitutional group of lawmakers and robbed of our hard-earned money, property and ultimately our freedom for decades.

Take for instance the current energy crisis Washington DC has led us into the last 40 years or so. Why doesn’t some governor in an oil rich state just issue permits to drill or build nuclear power plants in their state even though it’s in direct contravention of federal policy? Why don’t they? Because we’ve been trained by our captors in DC to believe that unless the States receive permission from Washington DC, they can’t. So, to break the Stockholm hold we’ve been entranced by, why doesn’t some governor just throw down and drill or build a nuclear plant as a way to protect its own citizens. What would Washington DC really do? Slap an extra-constitutional injunction on them which could then be nullified by the State because the federal government has no authority in the Constitution over energy policy? Pass legislation condemning the State for protecting We the People of that State? Send in the US Marshalls to padlock the gates to the oil rig or plant construction site? Ultimately send in the military in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to attack the rigs and sites? Perhaps they would; my suspicion is they would not. Would they really want to fight that PR battle? Would We the People really stand by and allow the tyrants of DC to run roughshod over the inalienable and God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

If so, then the Stockholm Syndrome may be more entrenched than we even think it is. But could there be a state with the courage to throw caution to the wind and actually defend its own people? Texas? Arizona? Wisconsin? Ohio? Idaho? Utah? Who’s it gonna be?

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