Category Archives: Blog

To secede or not to secede…that is the question!

We’ve all seen the headlines now…”20+ States asking the White House for permission to secede!” I’ve heard the callers on radio show breathlessly comment on this exciting news! Look, it’s happening they say, the people are standing up. Really? We’re not trying to rain on anybody’s parade, but can we just step back for a… Continue Reading

There Is Still Hope

Well, the campaigns are over and President Obama is back in the White House for another four years. Devastated? We’re not. Why, you ask? Well, if you’ve listened to the show for the last few years, we’ve been perfectly consistent that: DC will NEVER fix DC It’s a We the People moment in history We… Continue Reading

Does Fear Drive Our Decisions?

Today, fear dictates the average persons’ political perspective. Much of this is due to how centralized power has become; it’s so far away and out of grasp. This leads people to feelings of helplessness and being controlled by the sure-thought that “one must either choose the lesser evil” or “the end is nigh!” This false choice between seemingly only options is what keeps us caged in the current system of bloated bureaucracy, corruption, and fascism that the power hungry DC’vers love to replicate. If we keep falling prey to this fear, then we’ll keep getting evil – just different evil from the last one!

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Our Dilemma in Two Paragraphs

Things like the Healthcare legislation (which, granted is huge) are all symptoms of the root issue. However, we’ve let constitutional adherence (i.e. the root issue) go out the window, which has inevitably resulted in the Federal beast getting out of its cage. Its fiscal appetite is insatiable and because of this, our debt is almost $16T and unfunded liabilities are in excess on $61T (some estimates are as high as $130T depending on the length of the timeline). These numbers will explode over the next 4 years (regardless of which DC’ver sits in the oval office) and we’ll be between $22 to 24T in debt and have a debt-to-GDP ratio of almost 140%. NEWSFLASH: This is unsustainable.  It’s not something to be laid at the feet of our current president or his predecessor (although their “budgets” kept the streak going), but it goes back generations and we’re all culpable; we let the Federal beast out of its cage.

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At What Point Does Separation Make Sense?

Earlier this week, Scott posted an article on our facebook page titled, “Will It Take Revolution?” published by Canada Free Press. As I was reading through the article, I couldn’t help but think that Mark, Scott, or I could have penned it because the content almost mirrored our constant dialogue over the past year or two. The author, Douglas V. Gibbs, brilliantly captures the essence of the current political landscape and ultimately makes the same point that military leaders do in times of intense situations: “All options must be on the table.”

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