Author Archives: Joshua Lyons

“Constitutional Rights” and “Unalienable Rights”

The term “Constitutional Rights” is essentially a misnomer and/or shorthand. This is similar to the term “States Rights.” States do not have rights – the term is just shorthand to refer to the powers that are retained by the state governments (i.e. powers that were never delegated to the Federal government). Similarly, the term “Constitutional… Continue Reading

Who Has The Authority?

DCvers and Federal Supremacists avert the root cause of our problems and continue to talk only about the symptom’s we face. They do this because acknowledging the root cause would expose their malfeasance, collusion, and increasing usurpation of power. The root of our entire mess boils down to authority. “Who has what authority to do… Continue Reading

When Is A Law Supreme?

The US Constitution does NOT “grant” us rights. We have unalienable rights granted to us by our creator and/or observed in natural law. The US Constitution documents the authority of the Federal government, period. As it is articulated in its Preamble, the Federal Bill of Rights places further limitations on the Federal government. These “further… Continue Reading

“Gun Control” And The So-Called Federal Government

America’s ablaze with talk of controlling firearms, “assault” rifles, and even ammunition. We can’t turn on the TV or radio without being inundated with news about politicians or commentators weighing in on the gun debate. The usual rhetoric is floated that they don’t want to take away our guns, but we need to rid this “civil society” of these horrible machines of destruction that can kill many people very quickly.

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Does Fear Drive Our Decisions?

Today, fear dictates the average persons’ political perspective. Much of this is due to how centralized power has become; it’s so far away and out of grasp. This leads people to feelings of helplessness and being controlled by the sure-thought that “one must either choose the lesser evil” or “the end is nigh!” This false choice between seemingly only options is what keeps us caged in the current system of bloated bureaucracy, corruption, and fascism that the power hungry DC’vers love to replicate. If we keep falling prey to this fear, then we’ll keep getting evil – just different evil from the last one!

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