
Mark Kreslins

markkMark Kreslins first and foremost is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, husband and father of four. As a small business owner of a Maryland healthcare company, he’s acutely aware of the onerous hand of the federal and state government. Having worked on Capitol Hill in the mid 1980’s for two Members of Congress, Mark was made intimately aware of the overreaching nature of government.

A former Republican, in 2009, he changed his party affiliation to “unaffiliated” in keeping with George Washington’s admonition in his “Farwell Address” to beware of parties. This has served him well enabling him to be unbiased political commentator. While able to speak on most national issues, Mark’s real passion is reinvigorating conversation about the founding principles that began this nation in 1776.

Locally, Mark is a coordinator of and speaker at the Frederick County, Maryland Tea Parties. Mark has been a frequent guest Fox News’ morning program Fox & Friends and was profiled on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360. Additionally, he is Co-Host of The Forgotten Men radio program on WFMD every Saturday from 12-2.  He is more than happy to engage in conversation and debate on-air at a moment’s notice.

Finally, but certainly not least, Mark takes his commitment to his faith seriously and is an active member of his church. Many of the principles that he discusses are linked to the same principles held by the Founding Fathers which were sourced in a Judeo-Christian ethos.


Joshua Lyons

joshuaWhen he’s not hosting the radio show, volunteering at church, or performing his “real job”, Joshua is scouring current events and history for information that must be shared with the world!

Joshua started his journey into the realm of politics, faith and purpose in early 2001 when, through personal reflection and a quest for absolute truth, he became aware that much of the history that is taught in society does not actually jive with recorded historical events.  Concepts such as the erroneous doctrine of the “Separation of Church and State” compelled Joshua to peel back the onion and better grasp the falsities sold by main stream academics, talking heads, and elected officials.

Joshua has served on the board of the Germantown Citizens Association, has been a coordinator of and speaker at three Maryland Tea Party events, and co-founded the non-partisan group We Surround Them Frederick. Before the kick off of The Forgotten Men radio show, Joshua was a frequent guest on WFMD’s Blaine Young Show and Frederick’s Forum, has been published in The Frederick News Post and The Tenth Amendment Center blog, and was a featured guest on FOX News’ FOX & Friends morning show.

Joshua feels truly blessed to have an amazing wife that puts up with his shenanigans and two young sons that unselfishly share their dad with the Liberty movement.